Our Story
Driving my daughter Cat out of state to start her first year of college, I had a lot of time to think about – well, everything. My confidante, my co-conspirator, and now my business partner- I loved the drive and the time it gave me to reflect on her, on myself, and on this next big step in our lives together: The launching of our self-care line, Hines & Young. If I’m being honest, sure- a big part of this origin story begins with my desperate attempt to keep my teenage daughter close as she ventures into the world. But the story really does begin much earlier.
I was born and raised in Florida, and grew up in a middle-class family. Luckily for us, we had lots of sunshine and spent time enjoying the lakes, beaches, and orange groves in our area. We didn’t live a glamorous life and I’m pretty sure I never once heard the word “luxury” in our house- but we did have fun, and lots of laughter. Fast-forward to my life now, which is filled with luxuries I could never have dreamed of back then. After earning a cosmetology license and working in a salon while finishing college, I headed out to California to begin an acting career. I’ve been very fortunate and have built a career in the entertainment industry. Working with the top make-up artists, hairstylists and skin care professionals, I’ve been exposed to luxuries I could have only dreamed of. I have traveled from one end of the globe to the other, from the Himalayas to Samoa to Kyoto. My love for the field of cosmetology has never left me, and my travels opened my eyes to products – and issues- I never considered before. So that brings me to Hines & Young.
I’ve seen all types of beauty products, and one thing most have in common is that they come in plastic packaging. Plastics in the beauty industry are one of the highest contributors to plastic pollution in the world. I love beauty products, skin products and any products that might help me relax and feel good. Still, my deep ties with Waterkeeper alliance, a non-profit organization that fights for clean water around the world, has taught me a lot about how harmful plastics and micro plastics are to our oceans. With this in mind and my lifelong interest in self-care, I have launched Hines and Young with my daughter, Catherine Young.
Cat and I have had amazing conversations about sustainability, making high-end products accessible to more people, and about what matters to her generation today. We’ve made this a family affair, with my sister Becky and my brother Mike joining the team to build the company with us. We’ve found formulators who share our commitment to clean beauty. Our products are made from exceptional, natural ingredients and are packaged in recyclable glass and aluminum. With our products you’ll find fragrances from across the world, some that include a little nod to the scents from my childhood. I’ve had so much fun working with my family and our scientists to come up with the perfect self-care line, and we can’t wait to share it with you- so we can all feel good about feeling good.